
to Halstead Print

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We are always working on something awesome !

We Create your beautiful designs and
You show it off to your friends and clients.

We shape our services to fit the way you work and evolve.

We specialize in advanced printing services and creative design.
We print on a multitude of different textiles and surfaces.
We have a team of the best printers and designers.

We Are

Halstead Print is a analogue/digital textile and sign printing business. It started operations in the mid-2019 based in Mooroolbark, Victoria. The business is now based in Bayswater North, Victoria. In addition to digital printing Halstead Print also operates embroidery machines. The business is run by two Halstead brothers Asahel and Shayne.

Asahel Halstead,  CEO

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Asahel is now head of Halstead Print. He has been with the company since its inception in early 2019. In the time he was working in the business he has gained considerable knowledge in the operations of various printing machinery. Including embroidery machinery. Asahel is also responsible for the administrative side of the business. Asahel has also been able to garner some important clientel for the business with hopes to building the reputation of Halstead Print to the industry at large. Asahel lives in Victoria with his wife Maria-Lena and their large brood of eight children..

Shayne Halstead, Director

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Shayne is a naturally talented and prolific pencil and pastel drawer and sketcher. He has been drawing and sketching since he was in primary school. He has now adapted his talent to the electronics medium and using it in the business. He has also gained experience in the operations of various printing machinery. Shayne lives in Victoria with his partner Myann and their young son.

We Do

Halstead Print is a digital printing company specializing in textile printing, vinyl printing. DTG and DTF printing and embroidery. Textile printing is an established form of printing on fabric and we are wholly involved in the process. We print on all different textiles preferably 100 percent polyester, but will also print on textile blends like cotton for special effects as long as polyester is the dominating % blend. Halstead Print have also become quite experienced with embroidering techniques after doing it for more than 4 years. We create our own designs, but also produce our customer's own designs.

Our Skill Area

  • Embroidery
  • Sublimation Printing
  • DTG & DTF
  • Vinyl Printing
  • Creative Designs

We use the latest Technology

Our Printing Machinery

image nameWe use Hewlette Packards, Epsons, Rolands, DTG printers and cutters. We get our Embroidery machines from Barudan, considered the 'Rolls-Royce'of embroidery machines.These printers are state of the art and will churn out quality prints for our clients.

- Asahel Halstead, CEO
Our Computers & Software

image nameWe run our printers on PCs and also design on Pc and Apple Computers.We use state of the art programs like Adobe software and Corel Draw. We are able to upload or receive files in both formats from our clients. We also use specific programs for special work with our printers. For Embroidery designs we use top of the line software from Wilcom.

- Shayne Halstead, Director

Some of our Work

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Some of our Clients

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Contact Us

Office  & Factory Address:

Factory 3, 8-9 Gabrielle Court
Bayswater North, Victoria, Australia. 3153.

0405 205 125, Asahel0426 457 606, Shayne[email protected]



Listed some important Shortcode


Topsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit euismod tincidunt. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tlaoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

- Tom, Founder -

Sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tlaoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt sed diam nonummy nibh.

- David French, Development Manager -


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Accordion - Toggle

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Panel 2 heading text
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Panel 3 sample heading text
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Accordion - Auto Hide

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Heading Text panel 2
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Typography - Grid


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Blockquote style example It stands out, but is awesome. Lorem ipsum dolor

Dave Gamache, Skeleton Creator

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